Full Council

Members 2023Cllr Mr T Bence;  Cllr Mr R Gotheridge (Chairman); Cllr Mrs J. Rufey (Vice Chairman); Cllr Mrs F Huntley; Cllr Mr A Patel;  Cllr Mr G Purser;  Cllr Mrs D Thas; Cllr K Shepherd


Full Council meetings will be preceded by a separate short Planning Committee meeting lasting approximately 15 minutes to discuss planning applications only:  Full Council meetings will therefore start at approximately 7.15pm but may be delayed due to the preceding Planning Committee meeting.

Date Agenda Minutes
23rd January 2024 FC 457 Agenda 23.01.24 [pdf] 254Kb FC 457 Minutes 23.01.24 [pdf] 371Kb
20th February 2024 Cancelled Cancelled
19th March 2024 FC Agenda 458 19.03.24 [pdf] 263Kb FC 458 Minutes 19.03..24 [pdf] 408Kb
23rd April 2024 FC Agenda 459 23.04.24 [pdf] 287Kb FC 459 Minutes 23.04.24 [pdf] 361Kb
21st May 2024 FC Agenda 460 21.05.24 [pdf] 270Kb FC 460 Minutes 21.05.24 [pdf] 389Kb
18th June 2024 FC Agenda 461 18.06.24 [pdf] 249Kb FC 461 Minutes 18.06.24 [pdf] 368Kb
23rd July 2024 0 - FC Agenda 462 23.07.24 [pdf] 266Kb