Aldwick News

Read all about it. Latest parish newsletter


New Chair Elected

Each May the Council appoints the chairperson for the ensuing civic year. On 21st May, outgoing chair for 2023-24 Cllr Richard Gotheridge stepped down and Cllr Guy Purser was elected for 2024-25. At the 2023 local elections only 4 members re-stood and were elected uncontested, including Cllr Gotheridge, and he was thanked for his leadership through a challenging period.

New Chair Cllr Purser was presented with the chain of office and civic insignia and is looking forward to continuing the good work, supported by newly appointed Vice Chair Cllr Jan Rufey and fellow councillors.

What does the Council do?

A shortage of members and staffing changes this time last year resulted in streamlining of meetings by moving committee business into full council meetings. We’ve re-introduced the Planning Committee, ably chaired by Cllr Kevin Shepherd, and may re-introduce committees for finance and amenities as the Council has grown membership over the past months. We’ve been taking stock of what we can do to best support the community, helping to keep

Aldwick a thriving village parish and improving the quality of life for those who work and live here or visit. Things the Council has continued include administrating the allotments at The Nurseries, providing planting at West Meads and Rose Green retail areas and The Millennium Garden, providing a summer play scheme, supporting local groups with grants, planting trees in the parish, reviewing and commenting on planning applications and supporting the retention of public toilets and play areas at Aldwick’s parks. We’re also keeping an eye on things like broken seats, pot holes, damaged bus shelters, faulty streetlights etc, and reporting these to relevant authorities or endeavouring to deal with them ourselves where possible. As part of reviewing current and future direction, the Council is working to set out a Business Plan for the next few years. More news on how this takes shape to follow! We’re currently finalising plans for this year’s summer play scheme and will post details on our website as soon as possible.

Got a community event coming up?

Are you part of a local community or charity group with a fete or event soon, or looking to increase membership/fundraise? Let us know details or drop a poster into the Parish Office and we’ll post it on our notice boards and website if we can. One we know of currently is Rose Green Infant School’s Summer Fair, 19th July, 5-7pm, craft stall, BBQ, bouncy castle, raffle, tombola, games, ice creams, junior bake-off, refreshments.

Funding opportunity!

Do you belong to or help to run a local community or voluntary organisation that’s fundraising for a 2024-25 project? The Parish Council’s annual Grant Aid Scheme is now open and we encourage applications from groups (sorry, we can’t fund individuals!) The application form and eligibility criteria is on our website at, or you can contact the Clerk, Heather Knight, at the Parish Office on 01243 263330, or email for a copy.

Closing date for applications is 30th September 2024.

Meeting dates:

Planning Committee - Tuesday 9th July, 7pm, Tuesday 23rd July, 7pm (‘short’ meeting, planning applications only) and Tuesday 6th August, 7pm. The ‘short’ meetings precede Full Council meetings. Full Council meetings therefore start at approximately 7.15pm at the earliest.

Full Council - Tuesday 23rd July, 7.15pm (no meeting in August). Public are welcome and can ask questions on agenda items during a short adjournment item.