Summer Play Scheme
We were pleased to bring back the Play Rangers again for the 5 week school summer break, with 2 days weekly at West Park and Avisford Park. You’ll no doubt be aware, we had to cancel a session at West Park due to an unauthorised encampment. The Parish Council worked closely with Arun District Council, which owns and manages the park, to take swift action. The District Council and its cleansing contractor worked hard to get the park clean, repaired and safe for everyone to enjoy again as quickly as possible once the group had been moved on. We’re reviewing the play scheme offering and would love to have your feedback – Did your children or grandchildren attend? Did they enjoy what was available? Would you like to see something different? Let us know your thoughts, you can email us at or drop a letter through our letterbox, 88 Pryors Lane, Aldwick PO21 4JF.
We’re hiring!
We’ll shortly be advertising a part time position for an Assistant Clerk to help our Parish Clerk, Heather, in the busy roles of managing the Council’s activities. Interested? Keep an eye on our website for job details at
Got a community event coming up?
Are you part of a local community or charity group with a fete or event soon, or looking to increase membership/fundraise? Let us know details or drop a poster into the Parish Office and we’ll post it on our notice boards and website if we can. One we know of currently is Mount Noddy Animal Rescue Centre - Annual ‘Noddy Fest’ charity dog show and fete on Saturday 14th September, 11am-4pm – a lovely day out for dogs, their owners and families, full details at
Dogs Trust Freedom Project Fostering
Talking of things animal related.... This project is a specialist dog fosterng service for people fleeing domestic abuse – Dogs Trust is recruiting new foster carers who are able to welcome a dog into their homes on a temporary basis whilst a family is being supported to get to safety. All costs are covered by the charity and full support is provided, so it’s a great alternative for someone who would love a dog in their lives but isn’t able to own their own. Full details and a usfeul video can be found here:
Supported Lodgings Hosts wanted!
Could your skills and experience help change a young person’s life? Becoming a Supported Lodgings Host helps care-experienced 16-24 year olds learn the skills they need to live independently and achieve their potential. Supported Lodgings Hosts for WSCC receive training, ongoing support and fees. If you’d like to find out more call the team on 0330 222 7775 or visit lodgings/
Meeting dates:
Planning Committee - Tuesday 3rd September, 7pm, Tuesday 24thSeptember, 7pm (‘short’ meeting, planning applications only), Tuesday 8th October, 7pm, Tuesday 22nd October (short). The ‘short’ meetings precede Full Council meetings. Full Council meetings therefore start at approximately 7.15pm at the earliest.
Full Council - Tuesday 24th September, 7.15pm and Tuesday 22nd October. Public are welcome and can ask questions on agenda items during a short adjournment item.