Aldwick News

April Newsletter


Aldwick Council Tax 2024-25

Residents will have received council tax details from Arun District Council by now. The new precept (council tax demand) for Aldwick Parish Council equates to a Band D (average) charge per year of £21.52, an increase on last year of £3.78 annually or 7p per week. We would like to reassure residents that discussions took place over several months with careful consideration to keep any increase to the minimum possible. Aldwick PC is consistently one of the lowest council tax precepts in Arun and hasn’t increased its precept for some time, reserves having been used to meet unbudgeted costs. Increased costs of services, contractors and utilities over the past few years, along with evaluation of recent and future staffing/administration needs were considered. It was agreed to set a balanced budget, rather than a deficit budget that would have continued to dip into general reserves. This means your Council can continue to maintain to a good standard the council premises, allotments, decorative planters and raised beds at Rose Green and West Meads, contribute to public toilets upkeep by Arun DC (helping to keep facilities available), provide an annual holiday play scheme, provide new tree planting, help to replace broken public seating throughout the parish, provide the Christmas tree and support local organisations with grants.

Shop Local

Aldwick has a great range of shops, businesses and services around the parish, including post offices, newsagents, grocers, ironmongery, hardware, arts & crafts, glaziers, butchers, florists, hairstylists, therapists, solicitors to name just a few. Do check out what’s available and try to support local businesses if you can. Two local businesses recently arrived are a new pharmacy at Rose Green shopping parade (replacing Lloyds) and a new gym/wellness centre at West Meads precinct.

Help fight food waste

Did you know anyone can visit the Community Food Hub to get affordable food, plus support and advice? UK Harvest is at Bognor Youth & Community Centre, Westloats Lane, PO21 5JZ on the first Wednesday of each month, 10-11am. No referral needed, just bring a shopping bag and fill it from a selection of mixed groceries and rescued produce for a suggested donation of £3.50, not only helping you save money but good for the planet too!

Meeting dates: Planning Committee - Tuesday 9th April, 7pm, Tuesday 23rd April, 7pm (‘short’ meeting),

Tuesday 7th May, 7pm and Tuesday 21st May, 7pm (‘short’ meeting). The ‘short’ meetings precede Full Council meetings. Full Council meetings will therefore start at approximately 7.15pm at the earliest. Full Council - Tuesday 23rd April and Tuesday 21st May. Public are welcome and can ask questions on agenda items during a short adjournment item. Agendas are published on our website / notice boards around a week in advance, Minutes are published on our website generally a week or so after the meeting and within four weeks.

Join the team!

With a total of 14 places but less than that number elected, there are a few councillor vacancies available for co-option. The more councillors aboard, the better representation for residents and spreading of workload. Could you help? Councillors lead on community services such as allotments, public area improvements, tree planting, footpaths, public seating and litter bins. The Council distributes discretionary grants for local organisations, organises a summer play scheme and is consulted on local planning applications. How much time is needed? On average, around three hours a week is likely for council work, such as attending meetings, engaging with residents, speaking to local groups and bodies on behalf of the council. Interested? Email Heather at to find out more.