Aldwick News

February Newsletter


After a very wet then chilly start to the year, hopefully with spring not too far off we can all look forward to less extremes, longer daylight and new growth appearing. Whilst the major flooding and road closure incidents in recent months aren’t directly in Aldwick, your council is alert to the serious impact on neighbouring residents and on our own residents in terms of accessing roads and services connecting Aldwick. Councillors have been actively raising concerns wherever possible at meetings and links with other authorities around resolving current issues and trying to ensure future developments have the necessary infrastructure and strategic planning in place.

Fraud Awareness: Arun West Community Wardens are planning a free presentation for residents about being fraud aware – full details are still being finalised but it’s likely to be a weekday afternoon in February or March at an Aldwick venue. Keep an eye out for news on our website, notice boards and March Newsletter, or contact the Parish Office for more information.

Sporting Memories is a charity and social enterprise that helps older people to reminisce, replay and reconnect through the power of sport and physical activity.

Sussex Cricket Foundation recently launched their new Sporting Memories Club in Chichester, West Sussex. The club runs weekly on Mondays from 10:00 - 11:30am at Chichester City FC, Oaklands Park, Oaklands Way, Chichester PO19 6AR. Sporting Memories clubs are free to attend and open to anyone over the age of 50 who loves to reminisce about either playing or watching sport. As well as chatting, making new friends and reminiscing over sporting memorabilia, you will have the chance to take part in activities such as Spot the Ball, sporting quizzes and even try your hand at Boccia a form of indoor bowls. Refreshments are also provided. If you are interested in joining as a member or supporting this new club as a volunteer they’d love to hear from you. Please contact Emma at or just turn up on a Monday morning no booking required. You can also visit the Sporting Memories website for more information about the scheme.

Council Meeting dates: Planning Committee - Tuesday 6th February, 7pm, Tuesday 20th February, 7pm (‘short’ meeting), Tuesday 5th March, 7pm and Tuesday 19th March, 7pm (‘short’ meeting). The ‘short’ meetings precede Full Council meetings. Full Council meetings will therefore start at approximately 7.15pm at the earliest. Full Council - Tuesday 20th February and Tuesday 19th March. Public are always welcome to attend meetings and can ask questions on agenda items during a short adjournment item.

Agendas are published on our website / notice boards around a week in advance.

New Year, new challenge!

Have you ever wondered what a parish council does, or how you might help shape decisions taken for your community? What do Parish Councillors do? Councillors lead on community services such as allotments, tree planting, footpaths, public seating and litter bins. Our Council distributes discretionary grants for local organisations, organises a summer play scheme and is a consultee of Arun District Council on local planning applications. How much time will it involve? On average, it’s been gauged that around three hours a week is needed for council work. This often includes attending meetings, engaging with residents and speaking to local groups and bodies on behalf of the council. Interested in joining us? Contact Heather at the parish office to find out more about filling one of our co-option vacancies.

88 Pryor’s Lane, Aldwick, PO21 4JF. Tel 01243 263330