Aldwick News

Newsletter – September 2023


Aldwick Parish Council Newsletter – September 2023


The Parish Council recently said a fond farewell to long-serving Parish Clerk, Sue Batey, and Deputy Clerk, Mary Halpin, who separately both retired in May and June. Sue worked for the council from September 2008, assisting several chair people, welcoming on board new councillors, providing advice and support, and keeping the council operating legally and efficiently to serve its community. She organised various parish events for the council, including the Remembrance Service, Grant Aid Awards and erecting of the Christmas tree. Mary has been a source of help to many residents, working closely with the Clerk since July 2012 to help ensure the smooth running of the council, and in particular supported the planning committee excellently, giving guidance where necessary. Between them they’ve been an invaluable support to councillors, most recently through the covid crisis and getting online meetings set up. The Council thanks them both for their hard work and unstinting dedication. They will be missed, and we are sure residents join us in wishing them both well for the future.

Community Warden Service

Just to remind you about the Arun District Council community warden scheme. While community wardens are NOT a replacement for the police, they can report incidents of anti -social behaviour on your behalf or signpost you to the correct agencies. They will intervene where they see anti-social behaviour occurring, will host community events to give you a voice and can support vulnerable members of the community.

Please see our website for further details. If you want to contact the wardens, you should email If you witness a crime taking place, or have safety concerns, that is a police matter and should be reported to Sussex Police (call 101 or visit online for non-emergency reporting; call 999 for emergencies). Crimes or suspicious behaviour can also be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers online at: or by phone at: 0800 555 111

Homes for Ukraine Scheme

The Homes for Ukraine team based in West Sussex, are appealing for help in finding new host homes as there is a marked shortage of accommodation in West Sussex. So far, The Homes for Ukraine Scheme has supported tens of thousands of refugees fleeing from war in Ukraine by providing housing in the UK. Guests under the scheme who are already in the UK are not always able to stay with a host for a number of

reasons. It is hoped to find new hosts to ensure their guests still have a safe place to live. Whilst every attempt is made to re-match with their local community, West Sussex County Council aim to support guests by finding new hosts across the County. If you think you could help, email for further information.

Your Council Needs You

The Council’s primary objective is to work in the interest of residents of the parish and protect the identity and character of the area for the enjoyment of parishioners, visitors, and future generations. We currently have some vacancies for co-option to the Council, to work as part of a team of 14 members.

Could you contribute your business or personal skills and expertise?

Do you want to represent the views of local people?

Would you like to make a difference and help shape the future of Aldwick Parish?

For an informal chat and more information, an application form and eligibility criteria, please contact the Parish Clerk at or on 01243 263330.