Aldwick Green

 In 1995 Aldwick Green was officially registered as a   “Village Green”.     It is managed by the Aldwick Green Conservation Society whose work party members have laid paths, kept the drainage ditch clear, planted trees, hedges and wild flowers including Daffodils, Bluebells, Crocus and Aconites.  The  Snowdrop Walk and Bluebell Wood have become spring spectacles. A new wildflower area was recently  planted with Yarrow, Geum, Teasel, Red Clover, Black Knapweed, Meadow Buttercup, Ox-eye Daisy, Meadow Clary, Red Campion, Sneezewort and Lady’s Bedstraw and meadow grasses from Kew gardens were sown. The addition of nests, bat, lacewing/butterfly and bee boxes, bug hotels and dead hedges has encouraged a wide variety of birds and insects and the sound of the resident woodpeckers and tawny owls can often be heard.  Egrets and kingfishers have also been sighted, so take a quiet walk in the woods and you may get lucky.

Chichester & District Archaeological Society has recently carried out a Geophysical survey of the Green to look for signs of the barracks from the Napoleonic times.  The preliminary results look very interesting and we'll keep you updated, if and when we hear more.